Episode 155: Shifting Your Subconscious Mindset To Find Real Estate Success

“By the end of 2023, up to 50% of Realtors will go out and do something else... what really is going to make a difference is mindset."

Episode 155 of The Smart Agents Podcast features business consultant and coach Joey Drolshagen. After a 28-year corporate career, Joey took what he learned to launch IFGT Coaching and develop the SMT Method or Subconscious Mindset Training™.

Throughout our conversation, Joey shares how mindset plays such a big part in a person's business success, explains the SMT Method and gives examples of how his training has helped transform real estate careers around the country.


Learn more from Joey at: 




In this episode, we talk about...

  • Discovering The Impact Of Positive Mindset
  • What Is Subconscious Mindset Training™
  • Focusing On The Tasks You Find The Most Enjoyment In
  • Finding Your Vision
  • Mindset To Gain Benefits From Coaching
  • How A Positive Mindset Helps Overcome Market Shifts

Joey Drolshagen


Michael Walter


29 min

Released Date

September 4th, 2023


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